Past Report

With a great support from our Collaborators and Organizing Committee, PULSUS Conferences successfully completed the “Global Experts Meeting on Psychiatry and Mental Health” (Psychiatry 2018) which was held at Rome, Italy on July 23-24, 2018.

We would like to thank our Organizing Committee Members & Keynote Speakers comprising- Michaela Pascoe, Victoria University, Australia; Nora Cavaco, The Nora Cavaco Institute, Portugal; Jace Pillay, University of Johannesburg, South Africa for their support in making this event a great success.

We would also like to thank our Moderators- Sandra B. Ciscar, Cowork Ibiza, Spain and Sylva Sarafidou, Psychologist, Greece and Student Ambassador - Abrar AlMajed, Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University, Saudi Arabia for a being a great support for our event to be a grand success.

We extend our grateful thanks to Michaela Pascoe from Victoria University, Australia for organizing the symposium entitled” Physical activity and improved wellbeing - What are the mechanisms?” and to Nora Cavaco, The Nora Cavaco Institute, Portugal for chairing the sessions.

We congratulate Jennifer Hartman ,who won the best poster in Psychiatry 2018.

We would like to extend our thanks to our Media Partners for their constant support. It wouldn’t have been possible without the support of our Media Partners who helped us in promoting this event. We thank our Media partners for their support in helping us reach greater audience.

We also would like to thank all our Speakers, Poster Presenters and Delegates for taking out your time and sharing their research work with our peer network. We are very glad to have shared a great relationship with all these Attendees, associations and we hope to see even greater support in our upcoming events.

With a great response and feedback which we received at this event Pulsus Conferences is proud to announce our upcoming conferences in the Series of Psychiatry and Mental Health Conferences-

2nd Global Experts Meeting on Psychiatry and Mental Health” London, UK May 20-21, 2019

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