Speaker Biography

Sollace Sam Aidoo

RN Ministry Of health Community Nursing DPT, Ghana

Title: Mental Health in Children



Identifying mental disorders in children can be tricky for health care providers. Children differ from adults in that they experience many physical, mental, and emotional changes as they progress through their natural growth and development. They also are in the process of learning how to cope with, adapt, and relate to others and the world around them. in most places in Africa, mental health facilities targets adults preventing early detection of mental health in children.

Key words

  • Mental Health in Children
  • Which Mental Health Conditions Are Most Common in Children?
  • What Are the Symptoms of Mental Illness in Children?
  • What Causes Mental Disorders in Children?
  • How Is Mental Illness in Children Diagnosed?
  • How Is Mental Illness in Children Treated?
  • What Are the Side Effects of Treatment for a Mental Illness?
  • What Is the Outlook for Children With Mental Disorders?
  • What Research Is Being Done on Mental Disorders in Children?